Saturday, October 24, 2009

Not much to post lately since I made another batch of that Moroccan dish and we've mostly been eating left overs and cereal. I'm on a Cheerios kick right now.
Breakfast idea: I used to make Quaker's oatmeal with vanilla soy milk and brown sugar ever morning. I ate too much at once and got sick of it but I should pick some of that up again. It is tasty goodness.
Today was the zombie walk. Good times. I appreciate people's creativity in coming up with various zombie versions of just about everything. One chick had a fake pregnant belly with the baby's arm sticking out of her stomach. There was also a zombie Napoleon and more than one zombie Jesus.
Dinner: Afterward we went to the Green Room and I got a plate o'fried rice with tofu.
Dessert: I bought a Green and Blacks brand dark chocolate bar with ginger from the grocery store (Metro). It's got candied ginger bits in it and is probably my favourite kind of chocolate ever. They're fairly expensive as far as chocolate bars go (like 4 bucks), but it's way better to buy quality chocolate once in a while instead of crappy chocolate every day.

The other day my friend came over and we went to Subway. If you've never had their veggie patty you should give it a try.

I think I've done a fairly good job so far of demonstrating how many places there are to go out for food when you're a vegan. Off the top of my head there's Ethiopian, Subway, Japanese restaurants, Thai food, Green Room, Lick's, most places that have burgers also have veggie burgers, Middle Eastern places, Magic Oven, One Love, Full Moon (vegetarian Vietnamese place), King's Cafe, the Hot Box, the Pickle Barrel (they only have a few vegan things but they're good), and Fressen.
Obviously the number of available options changes depending on where you live. Toronto is very good for vegan food.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thank you!

Thank you to yourworstfriend who followed the link on Reddit to this blog and says they'll use it to eat more veggies. It made my day!
Even if you don't want to go vegetarian, it's a good idea to eat more vegetable based foods and reduce your meat intake. Meat production is really hard on the environment so if you half the amount of meat you buy you're really reducing your carbon footprint. I think you'll feel healthier too. And you'll probably have more money.
Thanks again and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

Breakfast: Coffee with soy milk and raisins. (So I'm not big on breakfast, sue me.)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dinner Party

Yesterday I made a dinner party, which is something I've been wanting to do more of.
I made two dishes from Isa Chandra Moskowitz's cookbook 'Vegan with a Vengeance.' The first step of this journey involved biking home from Kensington market with a precarious weight of vegetables on my bike.
The first dish I made was a corn chowder. Soup is great to make 'cause you always have leftovers. (I'm eating it right now. ^_^) While cooking this soup I discovered that raw corn is DELICIOUS! I'd heard you could eat it but I'd never tried it before. I seriously suggest just going at an ear of corn raw. Anyways it turned out so good that it was hard to stop people from eating so much of it that they ran out of room for other food.
The next dish was kind of adventurous for me. It had a lot of stuff in it that I don't normally cook with like raisins and fresh mint. It was called Moroccan Tagine with Spring Vegetables. It contained lentils (always a great idea), zucchini (I've been wanted to branch out in terms of the types of vegetables I cook, there are SO MANY), grape tomatoes, green beans, and a bunch of other good stuff. Served over couscous (which I've had in my cupboard for a long time and have been really meaning to use.)
Being adverturous payed off. This dish was really interesting and tasty.
I was especially skeptical about the raisins at first, but they turned out really soft with a subtle flavour that worked perfectly.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

Yesterday was my birthday. Actually two days ago since it's after midnight now.
We had a party on Saturday. I made a lemon bundt cake with lemon sauce (decorated with strawberries) and chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting. The cakes were from my new cookbook 'The Joy of Vegan Baking' by Colleen Patrick-Goudeau and the icing was from 'Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World.' I reduced the sugar in the chocolate frosting by like half a cup 'cause I find it just too sugary otherwise.
I should have taken a picture of the cakes to post here but I was so busy preparing I didn't get around to it.
We also had Lays potato chips, lots of hummus and with veggies and pita to dip in it (curtosy of guests), some chocolate chip cookies thanks to Sarah, more cake from Mike, cookies and jiffy pop from Liana and Cary (who are awesome) and a variety of sodas and boozes. I was worried about having enough food but people didn't eat nearly as much as I thought they would so we've been eating the left over junk food a lot. :-P

Two friends gave us a gift certificate for Fressen, the super fancy, super nice, super amazing vegan restaraunt on Queen Street. We've been there before with our non-vegan parents and they loved it.
It's hard to describe what we ate because it was all fancy and each dish had a long description. I'll just say it was delicious (except for a lot of olives I hadn't anticipated. I don't like olives.) The presentation is beautiful too.

Right now I'm eating hummus with Stoned Wheat Thins crackers and trying to figure out ways not to be bored.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today for dinner I'm havin' a big ol' bowl full of protein.
Started out with my Omega Meal's sprouted rice, lentils and flax. I bought this in a package at the vegetarian food fair, but it's just brown rice, lentils, and flax seeds (germinated, which is supposed to be all extra good for you, but you could just boil the normal type together.) So lentils and brown rice makes a protein, and the flax seeds (which I talk about all the time and will always love) have Omega 3 fatty acids. I boiled them in with a vegetable bouillon cube (organic from GoBIO! brand) and added some marjoram. I like dumping random spices in my rice, partly to help me get acquainted with them.
Then I added some frozen peas, which also make a protein when combined with the brown rice.
This is a totally complete and delicious meal, which took about 3 minutes to make since the rice dish was left over from last night.
Completed with a glass of gingerale.
Make it and enjoy!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Here's a good one for the lazy vegans:
Campbell's tomato soup made with 3/4 of a can of regular soymilk and 1/4 water. I used to make this all the time when I was a kid (with regular milk). Using all soymilk was a little too creamy for me, but this was perfect.
I also threw in some dried rosemary and it was amazing.