I guess I took an unannounced hiatus there. Oh well, sue me.
Well, let's jump right in. I haven't done too many fancy meals lately so I'll have some lazy vegan advice at the end of this post.
Today I made a standard Vegetable-Rice-Fake Meat meal. They remind me of some of the food I ate as a kid. Today it was White rice (with onions and garlic), yellow string beans (totally ate these all the time as a kid, the taste was nostalgic), and Yves Veggie Cuisine Souvlaki Veggie Skewers. The fake meat was not my favourite. I bought it 'cause I haven't tried it before, but I don't think I'll get it again. Probably just personal taste, though.
I've been trying to get more non-soy protein in my (and Aaron's) diet, so a few days ago I made Tibetan Lentil Soup. The recipe is from 'Fresh at home' by Ruth Tal Brown and Jennifer Houston, but I made a few changes. The biggest one is that I didn't notice I was out of cumin until I started cooking, so I used a Five Chinese Spices blend (it has fennel, clove, cinnamon, fagara and anise) which I'd bought randomly and wanted to try. I also upped the number of carrots and threw in a diced yellow bell pepper I had in my fridge. Turned out really tasty and it lasted a good while.
About a week ago I made Orange Chocolate Chip Pancakes. That was pretty much the best thing ever. I took the regular pancake recipe from 'Vegan with a Vengeance' by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and added the zest from one orange, most of the juice from the same orange, and about a cup of chocolate chips to the batter.
So other than those I've been surviving off mostly easy eating or take out lately. A nice coffee with soy milk and toast with margarine and jam will do me just fine. I've also been eating a lot of fruit. In the last little while I've had honeydew, bananas, kiwi, peaches, and some apples. It's been super freaking hot, and nothing is better than cold honeydew after a sweaty walk. I bought a box of Multigrain Wheat Thins (which I like way way better than the originals) and wolfed them down in about a day. Also bought a Theobroma organic chocolate bar with banana chunks. Freaking BANANA CHUNKS. These things are beyond amazing and I could easily eat 4 in a row.
Looks like Amy's started selling a new type of vegan burrito; Amy's Breakfast Burrito with organic black beans and tomatoes. I really like it, and it's a good microwavable meal for when you don't want to cook.
So that's it for now. I will try not to be lazy and make no posts for two weeks again.
orange chocolate chip pancakes nom nom nom