Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm sick :-(

Ugh, this sucks. I got the sniffles and the sneezes and occasionally a fever.
So I'm making carrot bisque soup (from Vegan with a Vengeance.) It has coconut milk in it! Gonna eat it with stoned milled whole grain crackers.
Side note about whole grain: I just don't like white flour anymore. It's boring! Bread stuff is supposed to have texture to it.

My bike got stolen again the other day. This sucks tremendously. Partly because I don't have the money to buy another one right now, and partly 'cause it just makes my life way less convenient. Looks like I'll be walking and taking the TTC for a while.
One reason I don't have money is because Don and I are moving shops. The owner of the shop we were at was seriously a bad man. So we're moving to another shop owned by his friends, but it isn't open yet. It's further away (Coxwell and Danforth), but there's less competition over there. Hopefully we'll be back on track and tattooing before too long.

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